The Little Prince 03


That was how I leaned a second very important thing, which was that the planet he came from was hardly bigger than a house!

Everyday I’d leaned something about the little prince’s planet about his departure,about his journey.

This was how I leaned, on the third day,about the drama of the baobabs.

“Isn’t it true that sheep eat bushes?”

“Hummm,yes, that’s right.”

“And therefore they eat baobabs, too?”

“Baobabs are not bushes,but trees,it’s as tall as churches, even if a whole herd of elephants couldn’t finish off a single baobab.”

“but before they grow big,they start out by being little.”

“True enougth,but why do you want your sheep to eat little baobabs.”

I was forced to make a great mental effect to undersrand this problem all by myself.And in fact,on the little prince’s planet there were —— as on the all planets —— good plants and bad plants.The good plants come form good seeds, and the bad plants from bad seeds.But the seeds are invisible,they sleep in the secrecy of the ground until one of them decides to wake up.But if it’s the seed of the bad plants, you must pull the plant up right away,as soon as you can recognize it.As it happens,there were terrible seeds on the little prince’s planet…baobab seeds.

Now if you attend to a baobab too late, you can never get rid of it agagin.It overgrows the whole planet,it roots pierce right through. And if the planet is too small, if there’re too many baobabs, and make it burst into pieces.