The Little Prince 02


The first night,I went to sleep on the sand,a thousand miles form any inhabited country.As more isolated the a man shipwrecked on a raft in the middle of ocean.So you can imagin my surprise when I was awakened at daybreak by a funny little vioce saying.

“please,draw me a sheep!”


“Draw me sheep!”


[And?] I saw an extraodinary,little fellow staring back at me very seriously, I stared white dead this apparition.


“But…what are you doing here?”

“Draw me a sheep….”

In the face of overpowering mystery,you don’t dare disobey. Absurd as it seened, a thousand miles form all inhabited regions and in danger of death.I took a scrap of paper and pen out of my pocket,and make a drawing [draw?].He looked carefully.

“No…this one is already quite sick,Make another.”


I made another drawing. My friend gave me a kind indulgent smile.

  • Indulgent: adj, characterized by or showing indulgence; benignly lenient or permissive. / indulge: verb

“You can see for youself…that’s not a sheep, it’s a ram, it has horns.”

So I made my friend another drawing, but it was rejected,like the others.

“This one is too old, I want a sheep that will live a long time.”

So then, impatiently, since that I was in hurry to start work on my engine,I scribble [the?this?] drawing.

“This is just the create.The sheep you want is inside.”

“That is just the kind I wanted, Do you think the sheep will need a lot of grass? “


“Because where I live,everything is very small.”

“Oh,There’s sure to be enough,I’ve given you a very small sheep.”

“Not so small as all that…Look! He’s gone to sleep…”

And that is how I made acquaintance acquaintance of the little prince.

  • acquaintance: noun, a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.

It took me a lone time to understand where he came from.The little prince, who asked me so many questions, never to seemed to hear the ones I asked him.

“What’s that thing over there?”

“Humm…It’s not a thing.It flies.It’s an airplane,my airplane.”

“What? You fell out of the sky?”


“So you fell out of the sky,too?What planet are you from?”

“Do you come from another planet?”

“Of course, That couldn’t brought you form very far…”

And he fell into an reverie that lasted a long while.Then taking my sheep out of his pocket,he plunged in the contemplation of this treasure.

  • reverie: noun, a daydream.

“Hummm…Where did you come from,little fellow? Where is this ‘where I live’of yours? Where will you be taking my sheep?”

“The good thing about the create you’ve given me is that he can use it for a house after dark.”

“Of course.And if you’re good, I will give you a rope to tie him up during the day, and a stake to tie him to.”

  • stake: noun, a stick or post pointed at one end for driving into the ground as a boundary mark, part of a fence, support for a plant, etc.

“Tie him up? What a funny idea.”

“But,I don’t tie him up, he’ll wander off somewhere and get lost”

“Where could he go?”

“Anywhere, straight ahead…”

“Even if he did ,everything so small where I live. Straight ahead you can’t go very far.”